SADC ATLANTIC – a success of the SADC MCSCC for regional cooperation on fighting IUU fishing 

February 16 2024

SADC Atlantic is a project of the MCSCC funded by the US Embassy in Botswana, which started in 2022 to support the Atlantic coast countries of Angola, Namibia and South Africa to engage more fully with the MCSCC. All three countries have been cooperating since 2013 to promote a coordinated regional approach to the long-term conservation, protection, rehabilitation, enhancement and sustainable use of the shared resources through the implementation of the Benguela Current Convention. Strengthening the cooperation of these countries – all signatories of the MCSCC Charter – with the MCSCC is further assisting to promote regional cooperation, information sharing and cost-effective sharing of assets in the fight against IUU fishing.

As the MCSCC is currently being established in Maputo, Mozambique, the achievements of the SADC Atlantic project are contributing to setting up solid bases for regional cooperation to protect the region’s fisheries. Whilst this project focusses on the Atlantic Ocean countries, a similar approach would be beneficial in all SADC countries. Strengthening human and institutional capacity of officers involved in MCS will be one of the MCSCC’s work areas. Experience and lessons learnt from the SADC Atlantic project will be valuable to support the MCSCC in the fulfilment of this function – towards a common future.

Download here a flyer with more information about the SADC Atlantic Project in ENGLISH, FRENCH and PORTUGUESES.