Visit from Mr. Larina Konold and Mr. Andre Mota from the U.S. Embassy in Maputo to the MCSCC Center

On May 3, 2024, the MCSCC Regional Center received a courtesy visit from Mr. Larina Konold and Mr. Andre Mota from the U.S. Embassy in Maputo, Mozambique.

The MCSCC presented a report on its history, functions, and priorities for operationalization.

The following aspects were addressed, which prompted a lot of interaction and discussion:

1. The countries in the region and the Charter establishing the MCSCC;

2. Objectives of the MCSCC (MCSCC Charter);

3. Overview of the main functions of the MCSCC;

4. Information-sharing – key to cooperation;

5. Technical support from the MCSCC;

6. Power of cooperation – recent successes.