At the heart of regional cooperation in Maputo – empowering the SADC MCSCC

November 23 2023

    The MCSCC is instrumental to successful regional cooperation. Even before the entry into force of the Charter, the team provided SADC Member States with rapid information and intelligence reports on demand.
    To support this dynamic, SADC Member States and the MCSCC host country Mozambique now have the responsibility to ensure that the MCSCC has the capacity to operate successfully on the human, institutional and infrastructure level. Today, the current MCSCC team consists of two officers seconded by Mozambique, which is insufficient considering the scope of the responsibilities of the Centre. More staff from Mozambique and other SADC contracting parties to the MCSCC will be necessary to capacitate the MCSCC. Secondment of personnel within the Centre is also an asset for SADC Member States, enabling them representation and improved cooperation. The secondment of personnel will be discussed in December with the MCSCC Task Force.